Welcome to Lion Heart Stock Photo! We create new and creative content for you so you don’t have to. From stock images to Instagram templates, you can find exactly what you need to level up your social media & online presence. As a team of professional creatives, photographers, & designers, we are here to create only the best content.
One x One
Got a certain look? We’ve got you covered with one x one stock images. Only buy what you need when you need them.
Snapseed Presets
Edit with one tap using these Snapseed Presets. Get a qr code and save them on the app to use anytime you need quick editing.
Photo Packs
Stock images created in packs so each photo matches the same style, look and feel. Get them starting at $15 each.
IG Templates
From stunning carousel templates to stories to feed posts, we’ve got your custom designs ready. PSD files fully customizable.