Posts tagged client messages
YOU are the reason why

I’m going to tell you a secret: I love the post wedding drive home. After about 10 hours of working a wedding, sinking into my driver’s seat, turning off the radio, and taking off my shoes, it’s the sweetest feeling in the world.

I recount the funny things that happened during the day, the moments that made the day feel special, and then it creeps up.


Did I get the first kiss in focus? Did I get that special photo the bride wanted? OMG did I forget to get a shot of the groom by himself? I reassure myself that I did because I remember adjusting his bow-tie. With every stoplight I repeat this process until I get home.

I edit your photos, I send off your gallery link and backup the photos. I check the “completed” box on my weddings spreadsheet and turn my computer off.

Then, I get a message like this…

“I want to thank you with all my heart for your work. It's beautiful!!! We are super happy with our photos, they are spectacular. Thank you for being so professional and thoughtful. And as a person you are a marvelous human being with a big heart. God gave you this professional talent to be a photographer but He also gave you the gift of passion to be a wedding photographer. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! "

And my heart overflows with gratitude because I was able to serve my clients well. Your experience, as well as your photos, are important to me. Your wedding is important to me. You are important to me. So, even though I may doubt if I got a photo of your shoes from the right angle, I know I gave it my all to serve you the best I could.