Analin + Javier Greystone Mansion Engagement | Los Angeles Engagement Photographer


Oh Greystone Mansion, you are a dream!  I would love to photograph a wedding there someday!  

Analin + Javi are so perfect for each other.  He can make her laugh and she looks at him with such an endearing smile.  We had a great time exploring the grounds.

Then it was time for a change of scenery to Hilltop Park in Signal Hills where we caught the sunset and flickering city lights behind.  This is also where Javi took Analin on their first date.  I love it when I get to photograph couples in places that mean so much to them!

I can't wait to photograph their wedding next month!  

Analin + Javi:  Thank you for having me photograph you guys and I can not wait to share your special day with you!