Posts tagged COVID19
Working and mommying from home at the same time

We made the decision early on to grow slow in my photography so that I’d have the opportunity to be with my son full time as well. Little did I know that it would be a serious adjustment and being that we don’t live near family or friends, it was a challenge, to say the least.

However, it’s not impossible! Leon has been home more than he has at daycare /school and it’s taken me a while to get a good idea of how to go about it and these are my tips for you at home parents!

Work during the kid’s peak hours

Leon is the best behaved and less attention-hungry in the morning right after breakfast. He can watch tv or keep himself busy playing without needing anything from me, except for a snack or two.

Between the hours of 7:30 am and 1 pm is his peak hours. These are the hours where I can get alone and work. Especially when it comes to editing!


For the first few days, observe your kids and see what times during the day they leave you alone and those will be the hours that you can sit down and work.

I know some mamas have babies and that is a challenge in and of itself. What I used to do with Leon was wrap him to me as a newborn and he’d feed and sleep on me while I plowed away at my desk.

When he began to get mobile, I’d put him in the playpen so he could crawl around and play with toys - he hated it and it was a challenge and would just switch it up from playpen to floor time. I’ve seen people fill up inflatable pools and that gives your little one more space with their toys and they don’t feel so enclosed.

Use naptimes to their full extent

If you don’t want to miss out on this rare opportunity to be present with your child(ren) and would like to work around their schedules, use naptimes to the fullest!


Plan ahead in the morning or even the night before what you aim to get done during those naptimes. If you have one nap time of two hours, make the most of it, get your set up ready beforehand so that you don’t spend time planning or setting up while your babe is sleeping.

Screen time

I must admit that Leon watches a fair amount of tv and I don’t feel the least bit bad about it. He doesn’t know how to use the controls and so I still have control over what he can and cannot watch. I also don’t allow him to use our phones or laptops nor does he get to watch youtube.

He can watch shows on Discovery Kids, Nick Jr. or Nat Geo Kids. That’s it. These channels help Leon problem solve, learn, and even get some math in, like Blaze and Rainbow Rangers.

Give the TV breaks and yourself breaks too

Here’s the thing, tv and other devices overstimulate after a while and can actually make a calm kid cranky. Turn the set-off and use the time as a break for yourself too. If you can get outside, take a walk. I water my grass or simply sit out on the stoop and just let Leon play and dig and make up his own games.


These breaks are so important for me and when I’m home alone working away I often forget so having Leon home gives me a fair amount of breaks and I’m all for it!

Move closer to where your kids are

Sometimes, Leon just wants me to be around even if I’m not really sitting with him or playing with him. Being in the same room also helps me keep an eye on this guy because he loves to just get hurt when I’m not around.

If you can move your work station to where your kids are, or move them to where you are, this can help crankiness and help you get some work done.

For kids of school ages, this can also keep you present during their studies and close by to answer any questions they might have. It can help keep everyone focused if you’re working while their working too.

When it’s not working, work after hours

There are times when Leon makes it impossible to get anything done. That day he could just be in need of more attention, growth spurts, just feeling stuck inside and a whole list of reasons that make no sense because he’s a toddler.


When this happens, I have to just let go of my plans and work after he’s gone down for the night. I try to fit in some planning time to know what I want to accomplish so that I’m not up into the wee hours of the morning, which has happened.

With all that’s happening right now, many mamas - and parents in general- are working from home alongside their kids. I personally am not homeschooling and wouldn’t even dare to make a schedule of activities because with a 3-year-old it’s almost impossible to do anything they don’t want hahaha.

But these are the things that have worked for me in the past as Leon has been at home more than at school or daycare.

Stay safe friends!


How you can help artists during social distancing

Hey friends!

How are you holding up? It’s been a little crazy watching things happening from the sidelines here in PV and while we haven’t really gotten lots of confirmed cases, chances are that it’ll reach our side soon seeing as international cruise ships dock here at least two to three times a week.

Am I worried? A little, but not so much for my health as thankfully, the three of us are pretty healthy and I have confidence in all medical staff and that they are doing what they can to contain this and find a vaccine. Until then, we are social distancing.

What DOES have me concerned is that already I’ve had sessions postponed due to the travel ban, personal reasons, and obviously because it’s just safer to stay home right now.

This has affected my business and well, my livelihood, just as it has for sooooo many other small business especially restaurants and those in the service industry.

Today, I’m going to share how you can help me and many other small businesses continue to survive during this crazy time.

What can I do to help?

Artists work hard on their work and right now a lot of artists are creating new and exciting material/products/services just for you and to also pass the time. Right now is the time to invest in their work. Get that drawing/painting/illustration you’ve been eying for some time.

Get that handmade product or reserve that service from the person you admire now and perhaps use it later.

If I have taken photos of you, you can also take advantage of this time home to order the best photo display products for your home!

Get your favorite photo printed, choose a frame for your gallery wall and get prints included, choose a beautiful image box to hold your favorites from your session because having one isn’t enough!

Albums also work as a great way to get those images, talking to your wedding clients, printed and all in one pretty, magnificently printed album.

And right now, for all of my current clients, you get 20% off anything you order!

So don’t put it off any longer, get your prints into frames and display products into your home of all your favorite images!

Download the LOOKBOOK here.

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The best part? We can do payment plans and so you don’t have to feel like you need a big budget for all the things you’ve always wanted to get.

I haven’t had a session with you, is there another way I can support your business?

Yes! I currently am putting together a small and limited fine art gallery just for this! they are photos that you can proudly display on your walls as part of your wall art, as postcards, as small loose gift prints, etc.

You can visit the ordering gallery HERE.

What if I don’t have the budget to help artists?

I get it, perhaps right now you don’t have the budget or the time to really give because you’ve got littles at your house that need both your time and attention!

You will never know the impact has with one simple share on social media, a review on Facebook or Google, or simply referring me to people you know have trips planned to the Puerto Vallarta area has on my small business.


Sharing a post, sharing the artist’s profile, just simply giving a shout out helps so much! And the best part? It doesn’t cost a thing.

Your support in any way means so much to me! And together, we’ll all get through this crazy time.

Stay safe, stay informed, and be kind!

