Posts in Personal
I'm an Okay Mom

I have a confession to make: I am an okay mom.

I'm the mom with the messy house and dishes always in the sink.

I'm the mom who washes the same clothes three times because I forget to hang it up to dry.

I'm the mom that let's my kid eat Cheerios off the floor.

I'm the mom who let's my kid cry when he's throwing a tantrum.

I'm the mom who doesn't shower every day.

I'm the mom who orders pizza when she doesn't feel like cooking.

I'm the one who just drank two cups of coffee because she woke up at 530am.

I'm the mom who yells and cries too. 

I'm the mom who is okay with being an okay mom. Let’s take the pressure off to be perfect and live life how we can to the fullest. That’s different for everyone and every one is right in their own way of doing things. Let’s take out judgement because honestly, we don’t know how our kids will turn out, whether they eat vegetables or not. Or whether they were breastfed or not. Let’s just give it what we got and enjoy the small moments. And through the hard moments, offer a listening ear and a hug. Because some times that’s all moms need.

Here’s to all the mamas out there who are okay moms too and are learning and growing alongside their children every day. Cheers.


Merry Christmas!

It's been so long since I've blogged here.  I am so sorry! I've been a little busy working on some new projects and have left this blog a little dry.  Lots of changes coming in the New Year and I hope that I can soon share them with you! 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves and enjoy the present: Christmas Day!  We stayed home and enjoyed a quiet holiday just the three of us.  Decorated our little palm plant because Leon is of the age where it would have been crazy with him and ornaments and a tree and lights... so we propped up our little palm plant on an ottoman, strung some lights, and put our presents around it. 


Ordered some KFC, blew up the air mattress in the living room and camped out while we watched some good old Christmas movies and drank hot cocoa.  It was perfect.


We went to mass and then came home to open the presents.  Leon was exhausted and by 11pm we were all ready for some down time. 

It was a beautiful night and we were very focused on relaxing and enjoying our little Leon walk around playing with his toys. 

How did you holiday?

PersonalJackie LamasComment
Leon 1 Year

Dear Leon,

I hope that one day, when you are older, you will read this with a full heart.  A heart that has learned to live, love, and change the world for the better.  If not, that's ok too.  Because who ever you are when you read this, is exactly who you are meant to be.  

I am in awe of how much you have grown.  Sometimes you look so big I can't even believe it and other times you look so small I feel like you are still 6 months old, withmore hair. 

You like to talk with your hands, especially when I say 'no' and you try and state your case with your hand raised and your fingers touching.  Sometimes when you're cranky you skip the defense and just go for the gold and try to cry your way out.  Either one is cute, because, well, you're a baby.

I am encouraged by your ability to learn something new every day.  

You aren't walking yet and I kind of worry but at the same time I know you'll do that when you are good and ready.  Mostly because I believe you're a strong willed baby and know what you want.  Even at one year.

I love how affectionate you are and show your emotions accordingly.  I can tell you will be sensitive to your emotions.  And for that I am grateful.

Your excitement upon seeing dad when he walks in from work makes my heart skip a beat.  You love when he tickles you and plays until you literally knock out from exhaustion.  I love that makes you laugh until you can't handle it anymore.

I love when you scrunch your nose and smile at me.  And how you play with water.  

But most of all I love who you are right now at this point in your life.  A very smiley, happy, playful, and inquisitive baby.

Just know that my life is forever changed because you are in it now.  I love you and wish you the best on your birthday.  A day that deserves to be celebrated! 

PersonalJackie LamasComment
Leon 9 Months Puerto Vallarta

I had written a beautiful card to Leon and it got erased! But this happens when I know I was meant to write a different post.  Lately it feels like motherhood has become more routine and less crazy, when will I ever shower, sleepless days.  Which has been wonderful! Leon keeps getting bigger and I keep thinking of when he was smaller and couldn't even hold his head up.  

Did I kiss him enough then? Because I feel like I can't stop from hugging him and kissing his cute chunky cheeks.  Especially when he laughs when I do it.  I love watching him sweat as he walks the entire L of our sofa and crawls all over the place screaming in pure joy that he is mobile.  I love when he kicks the water while at the beach because he gets excited.  And the laugh and excitement he gets every time his dad walks through the door is priceless.  It's like everyday he is more himself.  Not sure if that makes any sense.  

Little by little we're finding out who he is.  He's shown us that he's sensitive, inquisitive, a social butterfly, and loves to smile at everyone he comes across.  He's been extending his arm out and I can't get enough at how it squishes his cheek.  He does it with such an energy!

Soon he'll be pointing to things he wants.  Soon he'll be walking.  But for now, I'm going to try an enjoy this phase because so far, it's been my favorite.   

We had in mind to do these photos with his big huge lion stuffed animal that my husband's parents got him when he was only 2 months.  We had a fun time and glad we were able to get a few shots :).  

6 Months with Leon


Never thought I'd say that and I am glad to know what it feels like to be a mother.  I would go so far as to say that it is one of the most complicated words to define.  However different each mother would describe it, I know for a fact, that there is nothing more amazing than watching a little human grow.  Live and experience everything for the first time.  Even watching them sleep is marvelous.  

Pure love.  That is the only way to describe what being a parent is.  I am blessed to marvel at such a beautiful being.  

And we took these as a celebration of his 6 months! Which flew by so quickly and yet we are eager to get to know Leon's personality more.  

Thank you Leon, for teaching us what being a parent is about! 

World, meet Leon.

I am at a loss for words, I never believed something so long awaited could be the most beautiful feeling in the world.  I didn't think much of my pregnancy as it was pretty normal and easy to say the least in comparison to others' experiences.  I had energy during the second trimester and into the third I was just ready to meet our little one. 

Aldo, my husband, and I decided early on that we didn't want to know the sex of the baby until the day came to meet him or her.  It's incredible that we didn't cave in and actually had fun not knowing, because in the end, it didn't matter to us.  Our baby, whether girl or boy, would be loved no matter what and as long as the  baby was healthy, that's that that mattered.

Finally the day came and my doctor opted to induce me.  The reason being is because our little one was not growing inside anymore and since they were full term, it was best to let him or her grow outside of the womb.  I was all for it.  I just wanted to meet this little one already!  We got to the hospital, Aldo meeting me there a couple of hours after. 

Friday came and our little Leon was born at 3:21pm weighing a solid 6 pounds.  First words out of my husbands mouth when Leon finally made his debut:  

"He is perfect.  Just perfect."

And he continues to be.  Everything they say about having a child is completely true, you have to live it to really appreciate it.  But never could you feel a love so intense and so natural.  Thanks to God for this little blessing.  I'm excited to watch him grow and get to know him.  

World, meet Leon.  

Maternity Session Part II

When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately thought of doing a studio type of session when the time came.  I was super happy to have my husband take the others in the mountains for me and they are some of my favorites, however, these in studio just have a different feel.  I am so happy with them!!!

If you know me, you know that I'm not particularly fond of showing so much skin but being pregnant I feel like the tummy needs to be shown off!  I love it when my clients show off their baby bumps and so I too had a lot of fun. 

We took our own photos right here in our home last night and it was such a great experience to be able to take photos and pose all while trying to beat the 10 second timer, haha.  

So here they are! (You can see Part I HERE.)

Maternity Photos Part I | Riviera Nayarit

Sometimes, things don't go so according to plan and you end up with even better results! We were headed to the beach on Saturday to take these but low and behold, it was pouring rain.  Like thunderstorm and wind pouring.  No chance of getting any sunlight at all.  So we aborted the mission and on our way home, Aldo turned to me and said, "Can I take some with the hills and the fog if we find a good spot?" I said, "Sure!"  As we made our way back home, we found a few good spots and quickly jumped out to take some photos.  

I love that Aldo has such a different perspective when it comes to taking photos and he can always make me feel absolutely comfortable in front of the camera.  

I LOVE these photos!!!

This is only part one.  Part two is coming soon ;).   We are so ready to meet this little baby of ours... the due date can't come soon enough!

One Year in Riviera Nayarit

I've been living outside of the US for almost 4 years now.  I can't believe that it's been that long! I have to say that since moving here to Nayarit, the pros definitely outweigh the cons.  

Some of my favorite things about living in Nayarit in no particular order.

  • Being so close to the beach!  Within an hour and I'm on a beautiful beach with the most beautiful sunsets and lukewarm water.  
  • Being close to bigger cities like Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta- which means we have access to lots of festivals, concerts, and major events and don't feel like we miss out on anything. 
  • Having so many places to go and see! There are so many beaches, the sierras, the lagunas, waterfalls, trails, natural springs, and many Pueblos Magicos like Tequila, Sayulita, and Jala just to name a few.  We have so many places to explore still!
  • The people here are just so nice.  Everyone is very amicable and always helps you out if you need it.  
  • Direct flights to Tijuana so that I can always be a  3 hour flight away from my family just in case I need something.  Or when they come visit :D
  • THE WEATHER.  I have to put this in caps because we have simply the best weather out of all the regions nearby.  During the spring it's cold morning and evening and during the day a little hot and humid but never over 90 degrees.  In the summer the fog rolls in and it rains non-stop the whole time.  Fall and winter get cooler and fresh with out any of the humidity but you'll get perfect 75 degree days in between.  Still perfect weather to hit the beach!
  • Public transportation is really functional here.  Taxi's are not at all expensive and there are more buses passing through at all times of the day.  We've used them to festivals, events downtown, or at night when we want to go to a bar. And if you live here without a car, you can even take a bus to the beaches and surrounding cities.  
  • Destination weddings! I love to photograph weddings and weddings that take place on the beach are my absolute favorite!!! I love it when people come here from the US or Canada and get married here.  It's just so much fun! If you want to know more about destination weddings click HERE to read the post I wrote ;).  
  • We adopted Sasha, which has brought sooo much joy into our lives and she loves to go out and adventure with us.  We take her with us whenever we can, otherwise we just think of her the whole time! 

And now that we're expecting a little one, we can't wait to go to the beach and explore all of the amazing places we've been to and still have left to see! It's like every time we leave the house, there is something new - we love that feeling.

It's been a crazy ride but sooo worth it.  The Riviera Nayarit is full of adventure and relaxation so if you're on a fence about coming, just do it already.  You won't regret it at all ever! 

Happy Two Years!

How can I begin to describe this incredible journey we have been on for the last two years? From the moment I made the decision to move and "see how it'll go," to the nerve-wrecking walk down the aisle to find your hand in mine as we said "I Do,"  to the 15 hour car ride full of "only the important things" and making a new life together in Nayarit.  Now, as we embark on this new adventure of becoming parents, I can say with certainty that God has always had bigger plans for us.  Always showing us that we were meant to walk this path together.  

Mostly though, I love how we've been able to just groove to each others' vibe and make our lives together worthwhile.  Thank you for going on this crazy wild ride with me and always knowing that our philosophy in life is the glue that holds us together.  I can't wait to see what this next year brings! Other than a baby, of course!

Like they say, "All love stories are wonderful, but ours is my favorite."  This couldn't be more true.  Here is to many more adventures together on this journey called Life.  

Wedding photos by Brenda at Bravo Weddings.