Posts in Engagement Session
Sneak Preview | Gaby + Fer Engagement Session Majalca, Chihuahua

There is something in the silence of a forest.  Being in the middle of the treeline that perfectly shades you from the glistening sun above.  No matter what time of day, or season, it stays perfectly intact.  Beautiful and timeless.  It's smell, touch, texture, curves... it never ceases to impress me.  

I love it even more when I'm able to photograph good friends in this wondrous beauty.  Just a sneak preview of more to come! 


Existe algo en el silencio de un bosque. Estar en el medio de los altos árboles que da una sombra perfecta del sol brillante arriba. No importa a qué hora del día o la temporada, se mantiene intacta. Hermosa y atemporal. Esta en el olor, la textura, sus curvas ... nunca deja de impresionarme.

Me encanta aún más cuando tengo la oportunidad de fotografiar buenos amigos en esta maravillosa belleza. Sólo una vista previa de más por venir!


Yessenia + Charlon Riverside Engagement Session | International Wedding Photographer

This engagement is special.  Special because it's of my beautiful cousin and her fiance.  They have been together quite some time and when Charlon started calling me


, I knew he'd be here for the long haul.

We had so much fun during the session.   Which took place at a Mission in Redlands that a photographer friend of mine recommended.  It was perfect for the theme of their wedding (which you shall see in September!)  The light was gorgeous, and these two couldn't stop laughing and having fun!

Yeya + Charlon:  Thank you so much for choosing me as your photographer!  I am excited to live the wedding day through my lens and do the best job I possibly can!  I'm happy for the two of you and there is nothing more real than your love.

Karla + Sergio | Huapoca, Madera Engagement Session

I thought I had already posted this session, but I was wrong!  So, better late than never :).  I have already shot and blogged their beautiful wedding too *bangs head against the desk*.  

Nevertheless, it was such a great experience photographing this engagement session.  Karla and Sergio invited me on a 5 hour trip to the magical mountains of Huapoca in Madera, Chihuahua.  A gorgeous place where the fog and rain allow your mind to unwind and relax while taking in the insanely breathtaking landscape.  Of which I have posted photos from the trip, which you can click HERE to view... once again I bang my head on my desk wondering how I could have missed blogging these photos!  


Pensé que ya había publicado esta sesión, pero estaba equivocada! Por lo tanto, más vale tarde que nunca :). La cual que ya he fotografiado y blogged, y puedes ver la hermosa boda AQUI  *me golpeo mi cabeza contra el escritorio*  Sin embargo, fue una gran experiencia fotografiando esta sesión casual. Karla y Sergio me invitaron en un viaje de 5 horas a las montañas mágicas de Huapoca en Madera, Chihuahua. Un lugar precioso donde la niebla y la lluvia  permite que descanses y relajas tu mente mientras  disfrutas del paisaje increíblemente impresionante.  Pudes ver las fotos que ya he hecho post haciendo clic AQUI... una vez más me golpeo mi cabeza sobre mi escritorio preguntándome cómo podía haber faltado en blogging estas fotos!



Brenda + Marcos Malibu / LACMA Engagement Session | International Wedding Photographer

Every now and then, you second guess yourself.  You don't trust in what you know.  What feels right in the pit of your gut.  The place that always seems to know what is right and has a good way of coming back to give us that old "I told you so".  The place where great ideas are born and the same place where we fear to trust that we run the other way.  It's a tricky thing, Trust.  It can fool you into looking the other way sometimes.  However, sometimes, it's right on point.  So right that you can't do anything but want to give it the biggest hug imaginable.  

Before moving, I had to trust in myself that I could do this.  That I could make it.  Not give up.  I had that gut feeling that it was right.  That I had to do this.  That what awaited me would flourish into something beautiful.  And it has.  I am so grateful and blessed to know that what God has trusted me to go on an unpaved path so that I may pave it myself.  I'll trip and fall, and think that I've made the biggest mistake ever... just when that begins to consume me, I will rise, get up and continue pushing through.  I'm not talking just about my relationship, I'm talking about life in general.  That is when trust begins to really take over and evolves into faith.  Faith in one's own ability to continue to fight on.  To really go after what it is that makes us happy and contributes to our wellbeing.  I can get down with some happy.  

Brenda + Marcos were referred to me by Arleth Photography

(thanks girl!) for their wedding in August.  After a few emails, we finally FaceTimed.  I had just moved here and  had to let them know that we had to FaceTime.  We spent the next two hours talking, and talking, and talking.  About everything.  Getting to know each other.  They put their trust in me, living in a different country with only the internet being our way of connecting.  They trusted me when we sat and discussed their engagement session during  my one week vacation in April.  Their trust in me has resonated in more ways than I can ever imagine! It makes me absolutely honored that they have chosen me to share their big day with them in August.  Of which, by then, I hope that their trust in me will evolve to faith.  

B+M: Thank you so much for being excited, anxious, inspiring, and the most absolutely sweetest couple ever.  You two are such great people and I hope that you two continue to be excited forever.  Thank you so much for allowing me to get to know you and photograph such a special time in your lives!  I can't wait until August!!!

With love,




Paradise Cove, Malibu, CA + LACMA, Los Angeles, CA

Make up + Hair:  

By Ally 951-250-5605


Brenda did it all herself! Go Brenda! And Marcos, you have one sweet car!

Carmen + Alonso | Namurachi + Avalos Engagement Session, Chihuahua Wedding Photographer

I wish I had the gift of expression in written form so that I could accurately and eloquently describe the feeling behind this session.  I am not sure of where to even begin as there is so much I want to tell you.

I met these two on the first day of the


when the crowd grew into more than what my mind could process in our tiny 9x9 space.  We had our sales pitch down to a science.  The bf would greet and pull the crowd in and we would sit and begin with pricing.  Then I would come up and introduce myself, asking them about the details of their wedding.  The date, the location, what they were looking for.  The whole bit.  Like clockwork.  That is until Carmen told me that she was thinking of going to the

Namurachi Canyon

to have their engagement session.  I. Was. Ecstatic!  I was more excited than a 5 year old who steps into Disneyland for the very first time.  Times infinity.  Yeah, I just went all middle school.

The hopeless romantic in me can't help but explain to you the incredible history that the Namurachi Canyon has.  During the

Guerra Cristera

, couples would travel days and days in secret in order to reach the canyon's altar in order to get married by the church.  It was such an important task, that even when it was forbidden by law, they would risk everything including their lives in order to be married in the eyes of God.  How amazing is that?  Consider yourself, would you risk everything to be married by your church?  I am still so impacted by the history.  

So naturally, the whole time we spoke about the details of their wedding, inside I was pleading that they would hire me.  Their sweet and romantic disposition also made want to become their friend instantly.  And like so many couples during the Expo, they stood up, thanked me for my time, and walked on.  So when they came back and reserved their date, I hugged them and thanked them for the amazing opportunity to get to become their friend, and be a part of their beautiful journey.

The second part of the session was done in Avalos.  An old abandoned steel mill that is a bit creepy mixed with cool textures and amazing old structures.  And beautiful light ;)

Carmen + Alonso:  Gracias por darme la oportunidad de ser tu fotografa.  De documentar tu amor es un honor y conocerlos a sido algo muy especial para mi.  Estoy super emocionada por la boda en Octubre! Muchos abrazos! 

Alonso has this way of taking care of Carmen.  He brushed her hair out of her face as she warmed up to the camera.  And Carmen has this way of looking at Alonso with so much love that it radiates from within her soul.  They are beautiful and I am so honored to know them.  

Sandra + Julio Engagement Session | La Presa Rejon, Chihuahua, Mexico

At the Expo, that we had the fortune of participating in, we raffled off an engagement session and Sandra + Julio won!  We received their phone call about two weeks later and we met up at Starbucks.  We met up to talk more about their engagement session and what they pictured as their backdrop.

When I  meet with a couple, I like to narrow down what they really want.  The kind of background they want or better, what kind of look they're going for.  Something more green and natural or city and modern.  Each couple has their style so I make sure to know exactly what it is.  

Sandra + Julio are adorable.  They are so beautiful together.  The way Julio makes sure Sandra doesn't fall walking the dirt path in her heels.  Kissing her on her forehead ever so tenderly, and how he makes her laugh is all full of love.  God brought them together at a retreat, even though, Sandra didn't know it at the time that Julio was already in love at first sight of her.  Now, she is deeply and madly in love with Julio.  

They already have a photographer for their wedding, however, I hope that we stay in contact! They were truly such a pleasure to photograph! 

Here are my favorites :)

And a some behind the scenes, with my AWESOME assistant ;)

Laura + Eddie | Disneyland Engagement Session, Orange County Engagement Photographer

When a bride refers another bride to me I get nervous.  Did they warn them that I ramble on and on?  Will they notice that I talk too loud and get squeaky when I am excited.  And will they notice that I am shaking underneath the table?  But mostly I am anxious to get to know them. Because if a bride of mine referred them, then I know we'll click and get along perfectly.

That was the case with Laura + Eddie.  They are sweet and loving and you'll see the way they look at each other.  I also know that they're so in love with each other.  Not more, not less, but just right.  And when he took a knee at Disney World and asked her to be his forever, little did she know that they would live happily ever after.

Location:  Disneyland

Hair & Make Up:  Xelle Hair & Make up

Deanna + Edgar | Corona Engagement Photographer

It's a matter of he said she said.  The all time classic story of lives intertwined by fate and each side, telling an entirely different yet similar story.  

He says she was checking him out.  She agrees but argues that she was noticing him noticing her.  He says that she was with a friend, so naturally he didn't want to over step any boundaries.  You know, just in case the friend was her boyfriend.  Once she made it certain that the friend was indeed only a friend,  he says he began to talk to her.  

He said.  She said.  However, no matter the minor difference in details of how it all when down, they will both be saying "I Do" in August.  

Deanna & Edgar:  I had the most fun getting to know the both of you and your wonderful fun story.  I am honored that you have chosen me to photograph your wedding next August!  ♥ Jackie

Location: Wedgewood Wedding & Banquet Center, Corona

Oh hello gorgeous!  Deanna, you are going to one beautiful bride!

Had to get one of the bling!  Edgar: good job :)

Happy Tuesday!

Analin + Javier Greystone Mansion Engagement | Los Angeles Engagement Photographer

Oh Greystone Mansion, you are a dream!  I would love to photograph a wedding there someday!  

Analin + Javi are so perfect for each other.  He can make her laugh and she looks at him with such an endearing smile.  We had a great time exploring the grounds.

Then it was time for a change of scenery to Hilltop Park in Signal Hills where we caught the sunset and flickering city lights behind.  This is also where Javi took Analin on their first date.  I love it when I get to photograph couples in places that mean so much to them!

I can't wait to photograph their wedding next month!  

Analin + Javi:  Thank you for having me photograph you guys and I can not wait to share your special day with you!